La Research Information Network (RIN) y Universities UK
(UUK) han publicado nuevas orientaciones prácticas y detalladas
dirigidas a todos los implicados en la publicación en acceso
abierto (OA) financiadores, editores, autores e instituciones
de educación superior. El documento, titulado "Paying for
open access publication charge", pide una respuesta estratégica
en el Reino Unido -tanto a nivel institucional como nacional -
a las oportunidades, así como a los desafíos planteados por la
publicación en OA. Propone también que haya una buena
comunicación entre las partes implicadas.
El texto está disponible en:
Nota original:
Traducido por Tomàs Baiget
jueves, 30 de abril de 2009
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
Madrid: La biblioteca evalúa la investigación - CS IC/Elsevier (TBaiget 14 abril)
Jornada organizada por CSIC y co-patrocinada por Elsevier
“El papel de la biblioteca en la evaluación de la investigación”
Madrid, lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
El registro comenzará a las 10:00 El Programa a las 10:30
Duración del programa: 6 horas
Servicio de traducción: Inglés-Español, Español-Inglés
Lugar: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Sala: Salón Central del CSIC
Dirección: C/Serrano, 117 28006 MADRID
10.00- 10.15
Apertura: Dr. *Rafael Rodrigo*, Presidente del CSIC
10.15 – 10.30
Introduction: *Charles Pallandt*, Director Academic &
Government markets Europe
10.30 – 11.00
La Importancia de la Evaluación de la Investigación en España.
Dr. *José Manuel Fernández de Labastida*, Sec.Gral de Pol.
Científica y Tecnológica, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
11.00 – 11.30 Descanso para Café
11.30 – 12.15
Nuevos Enfoques en la Evaluación Científica: Proyectos en Curso.
Dr. *Félix de Moya Anegón*, CSIC, CCHS, IPP
12.15 – 13.00
Clasificando a las Universidades del Mundo (“Ranking the world's
Dr. *Martin Ince*, Editor de THE/QS World University Rankings.
13.00 – 14.15 Comida “buffet”
14.15 – 15.00
Evaluación de las Universidades Españolas y el CSIC:
Del Ranking a la Nueva Generación de Indicadores Web.
Dr. *Isidro F. Aguillo*, CCHS-CSIC.
15.00 – 15.45
Retorno de la Inversión en Colecciones Científicas (“ROI Study”)
Consolidados en la Fase II de 10 Instituciones a Nivel Mundial.
Dra. *Carol Tenopir*, University of Tennessee
Más información: *Alberto Rodríguez Zapata* Gerente de Eventos
Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677
“El papel de la biblioteca en la evaluación de la investigación”
Madrid, lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
El registro comenzará a las 10:00 El Programa a las 10:30
Duración del programa: 6 horas
Servicio de traducción: Inglés-Español, Español-Inglés
Lugar: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Sala: Salón Central del CSIC
Dirección: C/Serrano, 117 28006 MADRID
10.00- 10.15
Apertura: Dr. *Rafael Rodrigo*, Presidente del CSIC
10.15 – 10.30
Introduction: *Charles Pallandt*, Director Academic &
Government markets Europe
10.30 – 11.00
La Importancia de la Evaluación de la Investigación en España.
Dr. *José Manuel Fernández de Labastida*, Sec.Gral de Pol.
Científica y Tecnológica, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
11.00 – 11.30 Descanso para Café
11.30 – 12.15
Nuevos Enfoques en la Evaluación Científica: Proyectos en Curso.
Dr. *Félix de Moya Anegón*, CSIC, CCHS, IPP
12.15 – 13.00
Clasificando a las Universidades del Mundo (“Ranking the world's
Dr. *Martin Ince*, Editor de THE/QS World University Rankings.
13.00 – 14.15 Comida “buffet”
14.15 – 15.00
Evaluación de las Universidades Españolas y el CSIC:
Del Ranking a la Nueva Generación de Indicadores Web.
Dr. *Isidro F. Aguillo*, CCHS-CSIC.
15.00 – 15.45
Retorno de la Inversión en Colecciones Científicas (“ROI Study”)
Consolidados en la Fase II de 10 Instituciones a Nivel Mundial.
Dra. *Carol Tenopir*, University of Tennessee
Más información: *Alberto Rodríguez Zapata* Gerente de Eventos
Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677
Otra comparación bibliométrica WoS y Scopus (TBaiget 13 abril)
El artículo lo colgaron en arXiv en marzo pasado, pero en el pdf
no pone fecha ni otro lugar de publicación. Bajarse el artículo:
Debajo pongo las conclusiones traducidas.
Tomàs Baiget
*Comparing bibliometric statistics obtained from the Web of
Science and Scopus*
Éric Archambault. Science-Metrix, 1335A av. du Mont-Royal E.,
Montréal, Québec, H2J 1Y6, Canada and Observatoire des
sciences et des technologies (OST), Centre interuniversitaire
de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST),
Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada.
David Campbell
Science-Metrix, 1335A avenue du Mont-Royal E., Montréal,
Québec, H2J 1Y6, Canada
Yves Gingras, Vincent Larivière
Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST), Centre
interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie,
Université du Québec à Montréal, Case Postale 8888,
Montréal (Québec), H3C 3P8, Canada.
Los resultados anteriores proporcionan pruebas sólidas de que la
cienciometría basada en métodos bibliométricos es un buen
enfoque a nivel de país. A pesar de que WoS y Scopus difieren
en objetivos, volumen de datos y política de cobertura
(*López-Illescas*, *Moya-Anegón* y *Moed*, 2008), los productos
(artículos) e impactos (citas) por países en las dos bases de
datos están muy correlacionados, incluso a nivel de especialidades
como sugiere el subconjunto de datos en nanotecnología.
Estos resultados son coherentes con los obtenidos por
*López-Illescas*, *Moya-Anegón* y *Moed*(2009) para el
campo de la oncología. Por lo tanto, las dos bases de datos
ofrecen sólidas herramientas para la medición de la ciencia
a nivel de país. Habría que hacer más estudios utilizando
ambas bases de datos para examinar las diferencias en el
plano institucional, así como en distintos ámbitos -como los
de las ciencias sociales y humanidades- para comprobar si estas
altas correlaciones (de 0,99) siguen manteniéndose si se
trabaja a menor escala.
no pone fecha ni otro lugar de publicación. Bajarse el artículo:
Debajo pongo las conclusiones traducidas.
Tomàs Baiget
*Comparing bibliometric statistics obtained from the Web of
Science and Scopus*
Éric Archambault. Science-Metrix, 1335A av. du Mont-Royal E.,
Montréal, Québec, H2J 1Y6, Canada and Observatoire des
sciences et des technologies (OST), Centre interuniversitaire
de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST),
Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada.
David Campbell
Science-Metrix, 1335A avenue du Mont-Royal E., Montréal,
Québec, H2J 1Y6, Canada
Yves Gingras, Vincent Larivière
Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST), Centre
interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie,
Université du Québec à Montréal, Case Postale 8888,
Montréal (Québec), H3C 3P8, Canada.
Los resultados anteriores proporcionan pruebas sólidas de que la
cienciometría basada en métodos bibliométricos es un buen
enfoque a nivel de país. A pesar de que WoS y Scopus difieren
en objetivos, volumen de datos y política de cobertura
(*López-Illescas*, *Moya-Anegón* y *Moed*, 2008), los productos
(artículos) e impactos (citas) por países en las dos bases de
datos están muy correlacionados, incluso a nivel de especialidades
como sugiere el subconjunto de datos en nanotecnología.
Estos resultados son coherentes con los obtenidos por
*López-Illescas*, *Moya-Anegón* y *Moed*(2009) para el
campo de la oncología. Por lo tanto, las dos bases de datos
ofrecen sólidas herramientas para la medición de la ciencia
a nivel de país. Habría que hacer más estudios utilizando
ambas bases de datos para examinar las diferencias en el
plano institucional, así como en distintos ámbitos -como los
de las ciencias sociales y humanidades- para comprobar si estas
altas correlaciones (de 0,99) siguen manteniéndose si se
trabaja a menor escala.
Correlación entre descargas y citas de artículos (TBaiget 13 abril)
Actualmente, el número de veces que un artículo científico es
citado por otros artículos es el patrón oro para conocer su
impacto. Sin embargo la publicación online ofrece otra medida:
el número de descargas únicas. Un análisis publicado en el
*Journal of Vision* (JOV) --publicada en acceso abierto-
considera que las descargas son un buen predictor de las citas - y
los datos están disponibles mucho antes.
El análisis lo firma en un editorial el editor jefe *Andrew Watson*.
Recientemente, la revista comenzó a publicar el número de
descargas desde IPs únicas de cada artículo publicado. Luego
han tomado los 20 artículos más descargados, y han encontrado
una correlación de 0,74 entre las descargas y
las citas de cada uno de los artículos en JOV.
Revista (OA)
Traducido por *Tomàs Baiget*
citado por otros artículos es el patrón oro para conocer su
impacto. Sin embargo la publicación online ofrece otra medida:
el número de descargas únicas. Un análisis publicado en el
*Journal of Vision* (JOV) --publicada en acceso abierto-
considera que las descargas son un buen predictor de las citas - y
los datos están disponibles mucho antes.
El análisis lo firma en un editorial el editor jefe *Andrew Watson*.
Recientemente, la revista comenzó a publicar el número de
descargas desde IPs únicas de cada artículo publicado. Luego
han tomado los 20 artículos más descargados, y han encontrado
una correlación de 0,74 entre las descargas y
las citas de cada uno de los artículos en JOV.
Revista (OA)
Traducido por *Tomàs Baiget*
Reunión sobre Rankings de universidades en Madrid (I Aguillo-CSIC 13 abril)
The Cybermetrics Lab of Spanish Research Council (CSIC) invites
you to the 2nd edition of the Workshop on University Web
Rankings. For this event, the editors of the Ranking Web of
World Universities ( are hosting other
publishers of World Ranking of Universities (Scimago, Leiden,
QS-THES) for a morning panel. The afternoon is reserved to
the practical session about good practices on
web presence of academic organizations.
Attendance to the Workshop is open and free, but registration is
required in advance (laptop for practical session is needed).
Please use the Registry Form:
2nd International Workshop on University Web Rankings 2009
April 21st, 2009
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), Madrid
Albasanz 26-28
28037 Madrid. Spain
9:00-9:30 Reception and registration
9:30-13:00 Rankings of universities: Worldwide experiences
The Scimago World Ranking
Vicente Guerrero (Scimago Group-Universidad de Extremadura).
The Leiden Ranking
Martijn Visser (Leiden University).
Coffe Break
The Ranking Web
Isidro F. Aguillo (CybermetricsLab-CSIC).
The QS-THE Ranking
Ben Sowter (QS)
13:30-15:30 Lunch (not provided)
15:30-18:00 Web indicators: A methodological approach. Practical session
(bring your laptop)
Isidro F. Aguillo (CybermetricsLab-CSIC).
you to the 2nd edition of the Workshop on University Web
Rankings. For this event, the editors of the Ranking Web of
World Universities ( are hosting other
publishers of World Ranking of Universities (Scimago, Leiden,
QS-THES) for a morning panel. The afternoon is reserved to
the practical session about good practices on
web presence of academic organizations.
Attendance to the Workshop is open and free, but registration is
required in advance (laptop for practical session is needed).
Please use the Registry Form:
2nd International Workshop on University Web Rankings 2009
April 21st, 2009
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), Madrid
Albasanz 26-28
28037 Madrid. Spain
9:00-9:30 Reception and registration
9:30-13:00 Rankings of universities: Worldwide experiences
The Scimago World Ranking
Vicente Guerrero (Scimago Group-Universidad de Extremadura).
The Leiden Ranking
Martijn Visser (Leiden University).
Coffe Break
The Ranking Web
Isidro F. Aguillo (CybermetricsLab-CSIC).
The QS-THE Ranking
Ben Sowter (QS)
13:30-15:30 Lunch (not provided)
15:30-18:00 Web indicators: A methodological approach. Practical session
(bring your laptop)
Isidro F. Aguillo (CybermetricsLab-CSIC).
viernes, 17 de abril de 2009
Technical Communication Special Issue on "Legal Issues in Global Contexts" (JA Frias 8 abril)
Call for Proposals:
Special Issue on "Legal Issues in Global Contexts"
_Technical Communication_, the journal of the Society for
Technical Communication (STC), is soliciting article proposals
for an upcoming special issue that will examine how factors
of law and of culture affect how technical communicators
work in international and cross-cultural contexts. This special
issue will be published in November 2010, and the guest
editors are Kirk St.Amant of East Carolina University and
Martine Courant Rife of Lansing Community College.
Legal issues are increasingly affecting the work we do as
industry practitioners, academic researchers, university and
college educators, and independent entrepreneurs in technical
communication. In some cases, these legal issues involve notions
of ownership, copyright, and trade secrets. In other instances,
legal concerns related to privacy, disclosure, and free speech
affect how technical communicators perform different activities.
These legal issues are further complicated by different cultural
perspectives related to working in global environments and to
addressing the informational needs of different cultural groups
within our own nations. Very few individuals in technical
communication, however, are lawyers or have formal training
in issues of law and its intersection with different cultural
communication expectations and assumptions. This special issue
of _Technical Communication_ will examine the legal issues
affecting technical communication practices related to designing
materials for or to working with individuals from other nations
and cultures.
The guest editors invite proposals for papers on applied research
or theory, case histories/studies, tutorials, and/or annotated
bibliographies that address the following issues:
. Why should technical communicators attend to global/
international legal issues? Why not?
. What kind of training should technical communicators have
to address issues of law and culture effectively in international
and domestic contexts?
. How are legal issues or requirements related to language and
translation affecting technical communication practices?
. How should technical communicators working in international
organizations approach legal issues? Should these issues be turned
over to the "legal department"? Should technical communicators
have input on organization policies with respect to implementing
Should they be seen as experts in this area? Why or why not?
. What developments in international law, treaties, or
global-context legal conversations may impact the work of
technical communicators (e.g., the EU Data Protection Directive,
TRIPS [Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights], conversations on appropriation of traditional
knowledge)? What recommendations might be
developed to work within or challenge these new developments?
. How do legal issues affect communication practices in globally
distributed virtual teams?
. What kinds of legal issues do international practices such as
off shoring raise for technical communicators? How do these
issues affect technical communication practices or provide
new opportunities for technical communicators to contribute
value to their organizations?
. How have legal issues in global contexts become more
immediate with regard to the continual growth of and use of
online media in international contexts?
. In what ways can our history of examining issues of
intercultural communication contribute to how we approach
legal issues in global contexts?
. How do cultural differences related to intellectual property
and copyright affect technical communication practices -
particularly practices involving globally distributed teams?
. How do issues of government surveillance and data mining
affect the ways in which technical communicators interact
in globally distributed workplaces or use online media to
present information and exchange ideas across cultures?
. How can aligning global legal issues and local legal issues help -
or complicate how we work and conduct research as technical
. What kinds of theories or research methods from the field of
technical communication might inform our ability to
understand legal issues in global contexts?
. In what ways can/should technical communicators enter
into public discussions about global-legal issues?
Proposals should be no more than 400 words in length.
All proposals should include submitter name, affiliation, and
email address as well
as a working title for the proposed article.
The schedule for the special issue is as follows:
1 June 2009 -- 400-word proposals due
15 June 2009 - Guest editors return proposal decisions to submitters
1 October 2009 - Draft manuscripts of accepted proposals due
15 February 2010 -- Final manuscripts due
November 2010 -- Publication date of special issue
Completed proposals or questions about either proposal topics or this
special issue should be sent to Kirk St.Amant and Martine Courant Rife
Martine Courant Rife, JD, PhD
Professor, Writing Program
Lansing Community College Communication Department
Arts & Sciences Building, 211G, 517/4839906 //AIM martine785
José Antonio Frías
Special Issue on "Legal Issues in Global Contexts"
_Technical Communication_, the journal of the Society for
Technical Communication (STC), is soliciting article proposals
for an upcoming special issue that will examine how factors
of law and of culture affect how technical communicators
work in international and cross-cultural contexts. This special
issue will be published in November 2010, and the guest
editors are Kirk St.Amant of East Carolina University and
Martine Courant Rife of Lansing Community College.
Legal issues are increasingly affecting the work we do as
industry practitioners, academic researchers, university and
college educators, and independent entrepreneurs in technical
communication. In some cases, these legal issues involve notions
of ownership, copyright, and trade secrets. In other instances,
legal concerns related to privacy, disclosure, and free speech
affect how technical communicators perform different activities.
These legal issues are further complicated by different cultural
perspectives related to working in global environments and to
addressing the informational needs of different cultural groups
within our own nations. Very few individuals in technical
communication, however, are lawyers or have formal training
in issues of law and its intersection with different cultural
communication expectations and assumptions. This special issue
of _Technical Communication_ will examine the legal issues
affecting technical communication practices related to designing
materials for or to working with individuals from other nations
and cultures.
The guest editors invite proposals for papers on applied research
or theory, case histories/studies, tutorials, and/or annotated
bibliographies that address the following issues:
. Why should technical communicators attend to global/
international legal issues? Why not?
. What kind of training should technical communicators have
to address issues of law and culture effectively in international
and domestic contexts?
. How are legal issues or requirements related to language and
translation affecting technical communication practices?
. How should technical communicators working in international
organizations approach legal issues? Should these issues be turned
over to the "legal department"? Should technical communicators
have input on organization policies with respect to implementing
Should they be seen as experts in this area? Why or why not?
. What developments in international law, treaties, or
global-context legal conversations may impact the work of
technical communicators (e.g., the EU Data Protection Directive,
TRIPS [Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights], conversations on appropriation of traditional
knowledge)? What recommendations might be
developed to work within or challenge these new developments?
. How do legal issues affect communication practices in globally
distributed virtual teams?
. What kinds of legal issues do international practices such as
off shoring raise for technical communicators? How do these
issues affect technical communication practices or provide
new opportunities for technical communicators to contribute
value to their organizations?
. How have legal issues in global contexts become more
immediate with regard to the continual growth of and use of
online media in international contexts?
. In what ways can our history of examining issues of
intercultural communication contribute to how we approach
legal issues in global contexts?
. How do cultural differences related to intellectual property
and copyright affect technical communication practices -
particularly practices involving globally distributed teams?
. How do issues of government surveillance and data mining
affect the ways in which technical communicators interact
in globally distributed workplaces or use online media to
present information and exchange ideas across cultures?
. How can aligning global legal issues and local legal issues help -
or complicate how we work and conduct research as technical
. What kinds of theories or research methods from the field of
technical communication might inform our ability to
understand legal issues in global contexts?
. In what ways can/should technical communicators enter
into public discussions about global-legal issues?
Proposals should be no more than 400 words in length.
All proposals should include submitter name, affiliation, and
email address as well
as a working title for the proposed article.
The schedule for the special issue is as follows:
1 June 2009 -- 400-word proposals due
15 June 2009 - Guest editors return proposal decisions to submitters
1 October 2009 - Draft manuscripts of accepted proposals due
15 February 2010 -- Final manuscripts due
November 2010 -- Publication date of special issue
Completed proposals or questions about either proposal topics or this
special issue should be sent to Kirk St.Amant and Martine Courant Rife
Martine Courant Rife, JD, PhD
Professor, Writing Program
Lansing Community College Communication Department
Arts & Sciences Building, 211G, 517/4839906 //AIM martine785
José Antonio Frías
Call for articles: User-led, p2p Science (JA Frias 8 abril)
Call for articles:
User-led Science - A special issue of JCOM, Journal of Science
Deadline: May 15, 2009
Science is increasingly being produced, discussed and deliberated
with cooperative tools by web users and without the
istitutionalized presence of scientists. "Popular science" or
"Citizen science" are two of the traditional ways of defining
science grassroots produced outside the walls of laboratories.
But the internet has changed the way of collecting and
organising the knowledge produced by people -
peers - who do not belong to the established scientific community.
In this issue we want to discuss:
- How web tools are changing and widening this way of
participating in the production of scientific knowledge. Do this
increase in participation consist in a real shift towards
democratizing science or on the contrary is merely a rhetoric
which do not affect the asymmetrical relationships between
citizens and institutions?
- The ways in which both academic and private scientific
institutions are appropriating this knowledge and its value.
Do we need a new model to understand these ways of production
and appropriation? Are they part of a deeper change in productive
We would like to collect both theoretical contributions and
research articles which address for example case studies in
social media and science, peer production, the role of private
firms in exploiting web arenas to collect scientific/medical data
from their costumers, online social movements challenging
communication incumbents, web tools for development.
Interested authors should submit an extended abstract of no
more than 500 words (in English) to the issue editor by
May 15, 2009.
We will select three to five papers for inclusion in this special issue.
Abstracts should be sent to the JCOM's editorial office
( by email.
Please help us and spread this call in your mailing lists, blogs,
websites. The JCOM staff
SISSA Webmail
Powered by Horde
José Antonio Frías
Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación
Francisco Vitoria, 6-16
E-37008 Salamanca
Tlf. 34-923-294-580
Fax 34-923-294-582
User-led Science - A special issue of JCOM, Journal of Science
Deadline: May 15, 2009
Science is increasingly being produced, discussed and deliberated
with cooperative tools by web users and without the
istitutionalized presence of scientists. "Popular science" or
"Citizen science" are two of the traditional ways of defining
science grassroots produced outside the walls of laboratories.
But the internet has changed the way of collecting and
organising the knowledge produced by people -
peers - who do not belong to the established scientific community.
In this issue we want to discuss:
- How web tools are changing and widening this way of
participating in the production of scientific knowledge. Do this
increase in participation consist in a real shift towards
democratizing science or on the contrary is merely a rhetoric
which do not affect the asymmetrical relationships between
citizens and institutions?
- The ways in which both academic and private scientific
institutions are appropriating this knowledge and its value.
Do we need a new model to understand these ways of production
and appropriation? Are they part of a deeper change in productive
We would like to collect both theoretical contributions and
research articles which address for example case studies in
social media and science, peer production, the role of private
firms in exploiting web arenas to collect scientific/medical data
from their costumers, online social movements challenging
communication incumbents, web tools for development.
Interested authors should submit an extended abstract of no
more than 500 words (in English) to the issue editor by
May 15, 2009.
We will select three to five papers for inclusion in this special issue.
Abstracts should be sent to the JCOM's editorial office
( by email.
Please help us and spread this call in your mailing lists, blogs,
websites. The JCOM staff
SISSA Webmail
Powered by Horde
José Antonio Frías
Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación
Francisco Vitoria, 6-16
E-37008 Salamanca
Tlf. 34-923-294-580
Fax 34-923-294-582
jueves, 2 de abril de 2009
Alemania - Centro de Competencia en Bibliometría (T.Baiget 30 marzo)
iFQ NewsletterNew project at iFQ
Centre of Competence in Bibliometrics
¿Alguna vez se preguntó acerca de su índice-H?
Debido a la mejora en su accesibilidad, los indicadores
bibliométricos se utilizan cada vez más. Sin embargo,
las competencias para interpretar adecuadamente esos
complejos indicadores todavía necesitan mejorarse. Con
el fin de desarrollar métodos de análisis e indicadores
bibliométricos bien fundados, se creará un "Centro de
Competencia en Bibliometría Científica en Alemania".
Para este fin se fundó ya un consorcio coordinado por el
iFQ, entre Fraunhofer ISI, el Institute of Science and
Technology Research de la Bielefeld University y FIZ
Karlsruhe. El proyecto está subvencionado por el Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), con el
objetivo de construir una base de datos de calidad
garantizada que se utilizará en la investigación y desarrollo
Se examinarán en forma crítica los principios y métodos
bibliométricos y, posteriormente, se seguirán perfeccionando.
Serán puestos en práctica métodos para el aseguramiento de
la calidad y se establecerán indicadores personalizados. En este
contexto y a largo plazo el iFQ busca investigadores que trabajen
en bibliometría, en el desarrollo de métodos semánticos, análisis
de redes y materias relacionadas. Se aceptan solicitudes.
For further information please contact:
Haiko Lietz and Dr. Markus von Ins
Best regards, Anna Schelling,
El Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance (iFQ -
Institut für Forschungsinformation und Qualitätssicherung) es un
instituto científico subvencionado por la German Research
Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) como
un "establecimiento central de investigación". Inicialmente se
concentra en la evaluación de los programas subvencionados
por la DFG. La sede se halla en Bonn.
Traducción: T. Baiget, EPI
Centre of Competence in Bibliometrics
¿Alguna vez se preguntó acerca de su índice-H?
Debido a la mejora en su accesibilidad, los indicadores
bibliométricos se utilizan cada vez más. Sin embargo,
las competencias para interpretar adecuadamente esos
complejos indicadores todavía necesitan mejorarse. Con
el fin de desarrollar métodos de análisis e indicadores
bibliométricos bien fundados, se creará un "Centro de
Competencia en Bibliometría Científica en Alemania".
Para este fin se fundó ya un consorcio coordinado por el
iFQ, entre Fraunhofer ISI, el Institute of Science and
Technology Research de la Bielefeld University y FIZ
Karlsruhe. El proyecto está subvencionado por el Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), con el
objetivo de construir una base de datos de calidad
garantizada que se utilizará en la investigación y desarrollo
Se examinarán en forma crítica los principios y métodos
bibliométricos y, posteriormente, se seguirán perfeccionando.
Serán puestos en práctica métodos para el aseguramiento de
la calidad y se establecerán indicadores personalizados. En este
contexto y a largo plazo el iFQ busca investigadores que trabajen
en bibliometría, en el desarrollo de métodos semánticos, análisis
de redes y materias relacionadas. Se aceptan solicitudes.
For further information please contact:
Haiko Lietz and Dr. Markus von Ins
Best regards, Anna Schelling,
El Institute for Research Information and Quality Assurance (iFQ -
Institut für Forschungsinformation und Qualitätssicherung) es un
instituto científico subvencionado por la German Research
Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) como
un "establecimiento central de investigación". Inicialmente se
concentra en la evaluación de los programas subvencionados
por la DFG. La sede se halla en Bonn.
Traducción: T. Baiget, EPI
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