viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

LiquidPUB, Liquid Journals (TSaorin 18 enero)

En el último número de CSIC Abierto se reseña el proyecto LIQUIDPUB
Hay un buen paquete de informes e investigaciones a considerar, unas sólidas y otras líquidas.
Por ejemplo ...

Liquid Journals

Liquid Journals: Knowledge Dissemination in the Web Era Marcos Baez, Fabio Casati.

In this position paper we redefine the notion of "scientific journal" to update it to the age of the Web. We explore the historical reasons behind the current journal model, we show that this model is essentially the same today, even if the Web has made dissemination essentially free. We propose a notion of liquid and personal journals that evolve continuously in time and that are targeted to serve individuals or communities of arbitrarily small or large scales. The liquid journals provide "interesting" content, in the form of "scientific contributions" that are "related" to a certain paper, topic, or area, and that are posted (on their web site, repositories, traditional journals) by "inspiring" researchers. As such, the liquid journal separates the notion of "publishing" (which can be achieved by just posting content on the Web) from the appearance of contributions into the journals, which are essentially collections of content. In this paper we describe the notion of liquid journals, we define the notions of scientific contribution, of "interesting", "related", and "inspiring", we show how it can be implemented, and we demonstrate the value to individuals and communities.

Liquid Journals: Overcoming Information Overload in the Scientific Community. Marcos Baez, Aliaksandr Birukou, Fabio Casati, Maurizio Marchese, Daniil Mirylenka

In this paper we present a dissemination model that extends from the notion of scientific journal to overcome the problem of information overload in the scientific community. We focus on the issues related to having access to interesting scientific content, and to narrowing down the discovery process only to known sources (venues, authors) when dealing with vasts amounts of information. In this paper we present the liquid journal model, concepts, methods, and the supporting platform.

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