lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009

Implicaciones económicas de los modelos alternativos de publicación (Elena López de la Fuente)

El Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) acaba de publicar un
sobre las implicaciones económicas de los modelos alternativos
publicación de la literatura académica frente a los tradicionales
basados en
las suscripciones en la educación superior en el Reino Unido.
Economic Implications of Alternative Scholarly Publishing.
Aims and approach
Debate on the economics of scholarly publishing and alternative
models has focused almost entirely on costs. And yet,
from an economic perspective, the aim is
to have the most
cost-effective system, not (necessarily) the cheapest, and however
much one
studies costs one cannot know which is the most
cost-effective system until one examines both

costs and benefits.
Hence, the aim of this project was to examine the costs and
benefits of
three alternative models for scholarly publishing
(i.e. subscription publishing, open access
publishing and
In so doing, it seeks to inform policy discussion
and help stakeholders
understand the institutional, budgetary
and wider economic implications.

The project involved two major phases:
• Phase I: Identification of costs and benefits – sought to
describe the
three models of scholarly publishing, identify
all the dimensions of cost and benefit for
each of the models,
and examine which of the main players in the scholarly
system would be affected and how they would
be affected; and

• Phase II: Quantification of costs and benefits – sought, where
to quantify the costs and benefits identified; identify
and where possible quantify the cost
and benefit implications
for each of the main players in the scholarly communication

system; and,
where possible, compare the costs and benefits
of the three models.

While wide-ranging in scope, an important focus for the work was
implications of the three publishing models for UK higher
education and for scholarly journal and book
publishing –although
other forms of publication and other stakeholders are included in

the analysis.

Elena López de la Fuente

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